Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrologers study constellations called nakshatras that move along with each zodiac sign.  Their positions change daily as the moon orbits earth and these constellations follow along its journey.

Birth chart

Birth charts can be an incredible source of insight into an individual’s future. They showcase the location of planets, constellations, houses and their rulers at the moment of a person’s birth.  They also offer key indicators in terms of compatibility between people, known as their horoscope.

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish in India, is an ancient form of astrology that draws inspiration from Hindu texts called Vedas. Jyotish is widely recognized as being amongst the oldest forms of astrology used for both spiritual guidance and daily use, though its mastery requires much time and study.

Vedic astrology differs significantly from Western astrology by subdividing its 360deg star belt into 27 individual patterns called naksatras. Each naksatra has its own energetic signature.  Ancient astrologers would track moon positions across these star patterns to assess how each could influence one person’s horoscope.  This knowledge remains integral to Vedic astrology today.

Vedic astrologers utilize these naksatras to fine-tune charts by creating 20 divisional subcharts called amsas, harmonic subdivisions of the zodiac. These amsas enable Vedic astrologers to gain greater insight into specific areas such as money and wealth themes, relationships, health concerns and education.  There is even one naksatra that provides details on past lives!


An individual’s horoscope is determined by the placement of planets and stars at their moment of birth, according to Vedic Astrology.  This practice takes into account constellations as opposed to tropical zodiac in Western astrology, thus providing more accurate prediction.

One of the key characteristics of the Vedic horoscope is its heavy reliance on the positions of celestial bodies, including the Sun, Moon, and planets, at the time of an individual’s birth. These planetary positions are believed to have a profound impact on a person’s life, shaping their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and overall destiny.

The Vedic horoscope divides the celestial sphere into twelve houses, each representing different aspects of life. These houses are associated with various areas such as career, relationships, finances, health, spirituality, and more. By analyzing the placement of planets within these houses, Vedic astrologers can gain insights into specific life domains and provide guidance accordingly.

Another characteristic of Vedic horoscope analysis is the implementation of the Dasha system. This unique technique involves dividing an individual’s life into different planetary periods, also known as Dashas. Each Dasha is ruled by a specific planet and can provide valuable information about the timing of important life events, opportunities, challenges, and overall life trajectory.

Vedic astrology also focuses on the formation of Yogas and Doshas, which are specific combinations of planets that can greatly influence an individual’s life. Yogas are considered beneficial and can indicate success, wealth, intelligence, or spiritual growth, while Doshas represent challenges and obstacles that one may encounter. Understanding these Yogas and Doshas can help individuals make informed decisions and take appropriate measures to enhance their lives.

Unlike other astrological systems, Vedic astrology offers a wide range of remedial measures to mitigate the negative influences of planetary positions or Doshas. These remedies can include wearing specific gemstones, performing specific rituals, chanting mantras, practicing meditation, or engaging in charitable acts. The aim is to harmonize the energies and strengthen the positive aspects of an individual’s life.


Vedic astrology takes into account nine planets: Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Brihaspati), Venus (Shukra), and Saturn (Shani). Rahu and Ketu, two invisible planets not usually considered visible planets by Western culture, are also taken into consideration as part of a system known as navagrahas: Sanskrit for “nine” (nava) + “that which captures or holds” (graha). They influence where your successes and challenges lie according to your birth chart.

Ancient astrologers utilized an alternative view of astrology from its Western counterpart, the 27 smaller star patterns known as naksatras or lunar mansions.  These are segments within each zodiac with unique energies that Ancient astrologers would then use when selecting an auspicious time and date to initiate something new, known as muhurtha paksha, and electional astrology still uses muhurtha or muhurtha paksha.

Vedic astrology is a sophisticated system, employing numerous calculation methods. One such calculation is finding your rising sign, an integral component to health and well-being that signals how your day will start off, with energy that will continue throughout its entirety. Certain planets are responsible for certain ailments like psoriasis or weight gain, while combinations between planets may lead to heart disease or cancer.  All can be avoided through careful examination of one’s chart.


Gemstones play an integral part in Vedic astrology, as they can strengthen positive planetary influences while counteracting negative ones. Gemstones also help individuals cultivate positive energy that contributes to success and well-being.  However, finding the appropriate gem requires guidance from a reputable astrologer as this process requires studying an individual’s birth chart in depth, along with understanding its specific influences as they pertain to life areas such as health, career, love and wealth.

Gems are powerful stores of cosmic energy, transmitting it directly into their wearers when they come in contact with the skin. Because they store these energy sources so effectively and are so highly valued throughout history, gems have long been valued. Their ability to transform how we perceive and interact with the world around us explains their popularity.  They are sometimes referred to as “stones of power.” To harness their full potential and reap their full benefits in your life requires choosing gemstones based on planet influence and impact in life.

An experienced Vedic astrologer can guide you through the process of choosing, activating, and energizing gemstones. They can suggest suitable gemstones based on your birth chart and specific goals, as well as recommend complementary practices that can maximize their benefits.

Vedic astrology holds Yellow Sapphire as one of the most effective gemstones, as it represents Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire can bring good fortune and increase physical strength and vitality.  Wearing this stone on your right ring finger represents sun influence in your horoscope.  Any misplacement of this gem could have adverse results.


Vedic astrology stresses the importance of couples matching their horoscopes prior to getting married in order to avoid unnecessary problems and disappointments in their marriage. Success hinges upon various factors including willingness of both partners to collaborate. Vedic astrology makes matching horoscopes easier by helping select compatible partners more quickly.

In Vedic astrology, the Moon sign is considered a vital indicator of emotional compatibility between partners. It represents an individual’s innermost feelings, instincts, and emotional needs. To determine Moon sign compatibility, both partners’ Moon signs are analyzed to assess how well their emotional energies resonate with each other. A harmonious match of Moon signs often indicates a deep emotional connection and understanding, leading to a more nurturing and stable marital bond.

The Ascendant sign, also known as the rising sign, reflects an individual’s outward personality and physical appearance. Vedic astrology believes that a strong compatibility between partners’ Ascendant signs can enhance their overall compatibility and compatibility in various aspects of life, including marriage. The Ascendant sign compatibility takes into account factors such as the element, ruling planet, and temperament associated with each sign to determine the compatibility between partners. 

Vedic astrology also considers the positions of various planets in the birth charts of both partners to assess their compatibility for marriage. The interactions between different planets, known as planetary aspects, can significantly impact the dynamics of a relationship. Positive planetary aspects indicate a harmonious connection and balance between partners, while challenging aspects may suggest potential areas of conflict that need attention and understanding.

Vedic astrology compatibility analysis for marriage offers several benefits for individuals seeking a life partner. It provides valuable insights into the potential strengths and challenges within a relationship, allowing individuals to make informed decisions. By understanding their compatibility based on Vedic astrology principles, individuals can assess the long-term compatibility and compatibility for a successful and fulfilling marriage. Moreover, it helps in identifying areas of potential conflict and provides guidance on how to overcome them, fostering better communication and understanding within the relationship.

Initial steps when marrying should include looking at both bride and groom rashi or rasi. If both natal charts have bindus or dots then this pair could make an excellent union.


Vedic Astrology vs Western Astrology

Vedic astrology finds its roots in ancient India’s Vedic scriptures, dating back thousands of years. It is deeply intertwined with Hindu philosophy and spirituality. On the other hand, Western astrology traces its origins to ancient Mesopotamia and Greece, where it evolved through the works of renowned scholars like Ptolemy and Claudius.

One of the fundamental disparities between Vedic and Western astrology lies in the zodiac systems they employ. Western astrology follows the tropical zodiac, which is based on the Earth’s relationship with the Sun and the changing seasons. In contrast, Vedic astrology utilizes the sidereal zodiac, which takes into account the actual positions of the constellations in the sky. As a result, there is a slight discrepancy in the placement of the Sun signs between the two systems. 

Vedic astrology employs a complex system of calculations that considers the precise positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth. It takes into account the Moon sign, Ascendant (rising sign), and the positions of all planets in the birth chart. Western astrology, on the other hand, primarily focuses on the Sun sign, also known as the zodiac sign determined by the Sun’s position at the time of birth. 

Both Vedic and Western astrology offer predictive techniques to gain insights into future events. However, they differ in their approaches. Vedic astrology places great emphasis on the concept of karma and reincarnation, believing that our actions in past lives influence our present and future. It utilizes dashas (planetary periods) and transits to predict events. Western astrology, on the other hand, emphasizes psychological interpretations and uses aspects, progressions, and transits to forecast potential outcomes. 

Vedic astrology is deeply rooted in Hindu culture, philosophy, and spirituality. It incorporates concepts such as yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda into its practice. Western astrology, although influenced by various philosophical traditions, has developed independently and is not tied to any specific religious or cultural beliefs.

While Vedic astrology and Western astrology have their own unique methodologies, both aim to provide guidance and understanding of our lives. Whether you resonate more with the ancient wisdom of the Vedas or find solace in the psychological insights of the West, both systems offer valuable perspectives on the cosmic forces that shape our existence. 

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